300 North Iron Ave.
Sedalia, MO 65301
(660) 827-1873
Please use this form
Mon – Fri: 8:00am to 4:30pm
We Buy Non-Ferrous and Ferrous Scrap
We accept non-ferrous scrap (aluminum, copper, brass, etc.) and ferrous scrap (iron, steel, autos… metal that sticks to a magnet).
How Do I Sell My Scrap?
First time selling your scrap metal to AMR? Don’t worry, it’s easy. Simply follow the map and instructions below.


From Main St Sedalia, take N Park St to W Benton. Go left on W Benton and continue straight through the main gate.

Stay on the main drive and go left at the end of the drive.

Please obey all traffic signs.

For incoming scale weights, enter the scale to the left, closest to the main office.

Proceed off the scale to the right where a teammate will inspect your load. The teammate will then tell you where to unload.

After unloading, proceed to the outbound scale.

Proceed to the cashier window to receive a pay ticket for the cash machine located at the northwest corner of the main office.

From Main St Sedalia, take N Park St to W Benton. Go left on W Benton and continue straight through the main gate.

Form a line to the right of the guide cones.

Stop at the sign. For safe, efficient service we allow only 4 customer vehicles at a time in the unloading area.

Park to the right in the space provided to unload.

Proceed to the cashier window to receive a pay ticket for the cash machine located at the northwest corner of the main office.